DARTER – Vol. 4 – Issue 3 (Jul-Sep 2020)


“Due to the ongoing pandemic, several of our ongoing field activities were restricted but we effectively continued our engagement online. Migratory birds have started to arrive and we welcomed them in a grand manner. Sightings and records which are entered in citizen science platforms eBird are only taken into account towards the writing of this e-magazine. We wish everyone to have a great migratory bird season ahead, but do make sure to take all precautions whenever you step out of home.” – Ganeshwar SV. 


Salem Ornithological Foundation strongly believes that participation and leadership of women is essential towards nature conservation. We have been giving special focus to encourage more women to take up birding. One such initiative is the Tamil Nature Webinar Series exclusively by Women Birders and Nature Enthusiasts of Tamil Nadu. Nobody knows how many women nature enthusiasts are spread across the State and this initiative aims to connect everyone on a common platform. Since August 23, 2020, we have been conducting webinars every Sunday at 11 AM in association with Bird Count India. In this series, women would present their experiences, challenges, interesting observations, activities, etc. There are no eligibility criteria such as educational qualification, experience on field, experience in public speaking, etc. to speak in the webinar series; if you are a woman interested in nature, you are welcome to speak. Please contact us at [email protected] or call at +91 – 9080708592.


On September 26, 2020, Senthil Kumar S recorded and photographed a SINGING BUSHLARK Mirafra cantillans for the first time in Salem district. To see the complete checklist, please click here.

SINGING BUSHLARK  photographed by Senthil Kumar S


On September 22, 2020 our member Angeline Mano was invited to give a talk for young children on birding from home organised by Tamil Nadu Science Forum and Youth for Science, Tiruppur. To watch Angeline’s presentation, please click here.


SOF Young Birders have affixed 400 posters at various places in the district to celebrate the arrival of migratory birds like the Common Sandpiper and Grey Wagtail. The posters were stuck to create awareness among the public about the importance of migratory birds as well as conserving the ecosystem. It was totally new for the public to see posters for birds and they greatly appreciated the gesture.


When the lockdown restrictions were relaxed a little in August and September, we conducted five bird walks at Danishpet Lake, Kottanathan Lake, Sittanur Area, Pudhu Eri and Kannankurichi Lake in which ten people participated in total. They were Angeline Mano, Balaji Ramamoorthy, Dharini Venkatachalam, Ganeshwar SV, Himavat Gouresh, Pavithra, Pradeepa Sudhakar, Senthil Kumar MK, Senthil Kumar S and Yuvaraj Anandhan. All mandatory precautions and protocols were strictly followed.